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Belle Camp Blog

Tropical Exuberance and Fun in September


Published on August 29, 2024
Spectacular tropical foliage of Alocasia ‘Calidora’, a large-sized elephant ear growing near the South Terrace,


By Todd Lasseigne
Executive Director

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With the start of the school year in August and the transition from summer to fall in September, it would be understandable if visiting Bellingrath Gardens & Home isn’t at the forefront of your mind. On one hand, focusing on getting children ready for the school year and helping them adjust once it begins makes sense. On the other hand, many of you might think, “Let’s just wait until fall to visit Bellingrath.”

Well, well, well… Despite these valid reasons and thoughts, we at Bellingrath beg to differ. Now—yes, Now!—is the time to visit Bellingrath. With our first “fake autumn” arriving a few days ago, thankfully bringing relief by dropping the dew points from 80°F to 72°F (yes, we don’t ask for much), you probably feel like we do: re-energized to walk outdoors, soak in the sunlight, and stroll in the dappled shade of our live oaks. Come now, ye all, and come again afterward!

If my encouragement isn’t enough to lure you from the comfort of your air conditioning and cozy couch, Bellingrath Gardens & Home is about to give you plenty of other reasons to come. What “other” reasons, you ask?!!

Introducing The Great Bellingrath Harvest!

Although the gardens are always lovely and the Home ever beckoning, this September, we are launching an entirely new fall festival—The Great Bellingrath Harvest! Starting on September 21 and running through Halloween, we will introduce new events such as the Harvest Market, bring back familiar ones like our Scarecrows in the Gardens and our Fall Plant Sale, and rebrand older events, such as our Jack-o-Lantern Jubilee (formerly Boo!). If you like pumpkins, all we’re saying right now is, “Hold my beer.” We think you’ll be amazed.

While all of this is happening, the gardens will be beautifully adorned with our cascading chrysanthemums (starting in late October) and other botanical glories of fall Gulf Coast gardens. Our goal with The Great Bellingrath Harvest is to give you more choices and opportunities to visit. Yes, we want you to come for the 2024 Magic Christmas in Lights, but we don’t want you to wait until the Christmas celebrations begin to visit.

Therefore, mark your calendars, and please visit our website at bellingrath.org/event/harvest for details.

What Can You See at Bellingrath Today?

If you were to visit Bellingrath today, what might you see? The three photos accompanying this article were taken just earlier on August 26, showcasing the splendors of both close-up details and distant vistas here at Bellingrath. From the intricate range of green to chartreuse to yellow on the leaves of our ‘Calidora’ elephant ears near the South Terrace—and yes, there are still a few left for sale in our Gift Shop—to the burst of color provided by the cool new tropical philodendron called ‘Golden Crocodile,’ we have aimed this year to “tropical up” our plantings and use a lot of the many wonderful “aroids” (look it up) that have been all the rage in horticultural and houseplant circles for the past decade.

From the East Terrace of the Bellingrath Home, the stunning contrast and juxtaposition of the tropical lushness in the foreground against the simplicity and grandeur of the bend in the Fowl River, with our salt marsh in full view, simply cannot be equaled.

More to Explore at Bellingrath

What else might you see on a visit to Bellingrath? Well, the beautiful border along the Great Lawn, the award-winning Rose Garden, the peacefulness of a walk around Mirror Lake, and many more visual treasures await you. Don’t forget to take a tour of the Home led by Tom McGehee and his great team. Please also visit our Gift Shop, managed by Patti Davidson, and enjoy a satisfying meal in the Magnolia Café, which has excelled under Yvonne Clark’s leadership.

Thank you for your support and patronage of Bellingrath. The more you visit, the more you learn and become inspired.

Join the conversation and share your memories of Bellingrath on social media using #BellingrathGardens.