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Belle Camp Blog



Published on April 30, 2024

By Todd Lasseigne
Executive Director

Embracing Nature’s Revival

With the return of spring rains last night, today feels like a day of renewal to me. Semi-parched plants breathe sighs of relief with their newly hydrated foliage, the colors seem to pop even more, and Bellingrath looks beautiful and appropriate draped in the wetness and morning mist.

Ongoing Restoration Efforts

With every passing day, week, and month, we continue our work to restore Bellingrath Gardens & Home so that everything here can be fresh, clean, beautiful, and functional. We are committed to growing the next crop of plants, sharing the tales of our founders, and revealing the glories of the natural world here at Bellingrath to our daily visitors.

Systemic Improvements: A Focus on Sustainability

One area of the organization that I have been laser-focused on since I commenced work here in 2020 is the state of our systems: computer systems, workflow systems, systems of planning and implementation, and the physical systems that keep everything operating, among others. Last year, we replaced the aging HVAC system in the Café/Gift Shop building, one that had been in place since the building was constructed in the early 1960s and had been rehabilitated over the decades, but one that ultimately could no longer meet our needs. This system cost us around $90,000, par for today’s numbers, but a total amount that certainly caused one of those “gulp” moments when I saw the contractor’s proposal. It was a milestone achievement, but one that became immediately important when the system started failing in the summer of 2023.

Last year, we were also able to bring in entirely new electrical mains to the BGH property, newly buried electrical conductor and associated equipment, such that we now are operating, power-wise, with a brand-new system. It was such a relief when the power was transferred off of the decades-old, above-ground lines to the new buried ones. Milestone accomplished!

A Crucial Upgrade: From Sewer Lagoon to Sanitary Sewer System

Today’s system that we are celebrating replacing is not one that most of us think about, nor one that is glamorous. It is, however, one of those systems that we all can become acutely aware of when it is not operating properly or when it fails. I am talking about none other than our sewer system [insert foghorn sound and emoji, please]. Bellingrath Gardens & Home has operated on a “sewer lagoon” system for decades, one that it has physically kept up, had inspected on a monthly basis, and one that we have always kept in compliance with ADEM (the Alabama Department of Environmental Management) since it was first put into use. However, in today’s world, sewer lagoons are considered archaic technology, and “sanitary sewer” systems are the norm.

Around two years ago, I received a phone call from Mobile County Water, Sewer, and Fire Protection Authority indicating that funds had been received for construction and installation of sanitary sewer service in the area where Bellingrath Gardens & Home is located. I was told that we would be able to have our service upgraded so that we could use this new infrastructure main. It was a “hallelujah” moment! This project would entail construction of sewer lift stations along Bellingrath Road, burying/boring of new lines in the general area, and then bringing in these lines to Bellingrath Gardens & Home. Today, I can announce to you all that Bellingrath Gardens & Home is now “officially” operating on this brand-new sanitary sewer system.

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for Bellingrath Gardens & Home

As we reach new milestones in restoring and replacing critical systems, from electrical to sewer to HVAC, we are grateful for the support of our community. Although there is much more work ahead, we are making significant progress in ensuring that Bellingrath Gardens & Home remains a place of beauty and inspiration for generations to come. The future is indeed bright!

Thank you for your continued support of our work at Bellingrath Gardens & Home. We look forward to welcoming you to witness the beauty and improvements firsthand.

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