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A Symphony in Pink: Azaleas at Bellingrath Gardens


Published on March 1, 2024

By Cassidy Smith
Marketing & PR Manager

The Blooming History of Our Azaleas

Nestled in the heart of the Deep South, the gardens of Bellingrath are a tapestry of color and fragrance that tell a story as rich as the soil in which their roots are firmly planted. Our azaleas are not just plants; they are the living history of the estate, a story that began with Walter and Bessie Bellingrath’s vision to create a haven of beauty and serenity. Let us take a stroll down the garden paths and explore the vibrant tapestry of azaleas that has captivated visitors for centuries. 

A Legacy Blooms

It all began in the 18th century when Fifise Langlois, filled with nostalgia for his native Toulouse, France, brought azaleas to Mobile, etching their radiant hues into the very fabric of the city’s heritage. These azaleas quickly became a local spectacle, drawing admiration from the French, English, and Spanish who, at different times, called Mobile their own.

Walter Bellingrath, whose vision sculpted the Gardens, was known for his fondness for camellias. Yet, in his writings, he painted a vivid picture of the azaleas’ grandeur, describing ancient shrubs that grew to monumental sizes, almost resembling trees, with a display of blossoms so full that not a single leaf remained visible.

“The Flaming Drama of the South”

Bellingrath Gardens & Home is renowned for its collection of Southern Indian Hybrids, also known as Indica Azaleas, best suited for the warmth of zones 8 and 9. These hybrids trace their roots back to the 19th century, cultivated initially in Charleston’s Magnolia Gardens and later popularized by P.J. Berckman’s nursery in Georgia.

The Dazzling Varieties

Bellingrath Gardens is home to over 250,000 azaleas, including both native and hybrid varieties. Visitors to Bellingrath can expect to encounter an array of Azaleas, including:

  • ‘Formosa’: A spectacle of magenta purple.
  • ‘Pride of Mobile’: A deep pink delight.
  • ‘George Lindley Tabor’: Elegant white with a hint of pink at its heart.
  • ‘Mrs. G.G. Gerbing’: A pure white wonder.

These varieties, known for their potential to grow exceptionally tall, contribute to the grandeur that Bellingrath Gardens is celebrated for.

‘George Lindley Tabor’

‘Pride of Mobile’


‘Mrs G.G. Gerbing’

Pruning with Purpose

The philosophy of azalea care at Bellingrath is one of gentle guidance rather than strict control. Inspired by the wisdom of regional gardening experts, the gardens embrace a more naturalistic approach. Pruning is done sensitively, with the aim of rejuvenating the azaleas, especially when they’ve been affected by environmental factors such as hurricanes.

When to Witness the Azalea Spectacular

Timing is everything when it comes to azalea blooms. Typically, the best times to visit our blushing beauties are during the peak blooming months from late February to late March, but Mother Nature has the final say. During this magical interval, the gardens are a living canvas, with each azalea variety taking its turn to shine.

  • Early Bloomers: Catch the first act in late February, as the early bloomers set the stage with their delicate hues.
  • Full Chorus: By mid-March, the gardens reach a crescendo of color, with every azalea variety in full splendor.
  • Last Encore: Don’t miss the final performance in early April, as the late bloomers offer a poignant adieu to the season.

Keep an eye on our bloom updates to plan your perfect visit.

Spring Blooms Beyond the Azalea Trail

While our azaleas are the belles of the ball, Bellingrath’s springtime splendor doesn’t end there. The gardens are a mosaic of spring blooms that complement the azalea showcase:

  • Camellias: Our winter beauties often overlap with the early azaleas, offering a seamless transition of blooms.
  • Tulips: The gardens have come alive with vibrant tulips in late February. 
  • Hydrangeas: These lush flowers pick up where the azaleas leave off, continuing the color parade into summer.
Bellingrath Tulips (3)
Bellingrath Tulips (4)
Bellingrath Tulips (5)
Bellingrath Tulips (6)
Bellingrath Tulips (2)

Whether you’re a seasoned horticulturist or simply a lover of natural beauty, Bellingrath’s gardens are a feast for the senses. Come wander our paths, breathe in the fragrant air, and let the story of our azaleas become a part of your own.

Let this spring be the one where you immerse yourself in the living legacy of Bellingrath’s azaleas. Plan your visit, engage with nature, and let the timeless beauty of our gardens inspire you. #BellingrathBlooms await!

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